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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Warm Greetings from Tashkent

Warm Greetings from Tashkent


2017 KAPEX Uzbeks Trainee


My name is Ilkhom IBRAGIMOV and I am a participant of the 2017 KAPEX Academy program from Uzbekistan.
It was my first visit to the “Land of the Morning Calm” and to the “Country with Four Seasons” as the Koreans call their country. It is very impressive for me that how Korea made a breakthrough from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, and have been demonstrating "economic miracles" to the whole world for the last three decades.


The main purpose of my visit was to gain new experience and knowledge on the issues of economic improvement and establish new network among the professionals involved in development of the agricultural sector.
The program partners in Korea did their best and introduced us to the proven things which served for achievement and success of Korean agricultural sector. It was an opportunity for me to gained new experience in implementation of joint international research in agricultural development together with Korean colleagues which undoubtedly complemented my research work in various areas of the economic development of agricultural sector in the Central Asia countries.


I have no doubt that the results of our joint research will open up new opportunities for Uzbek farmers and improved their skills in cultivating export-orientated agricultural products and ensuring their financial sustainability.
Another key point to note that the program will serve for further closer cooperation of partners in certain areas which yield positive results for Korean and Uzbek sides in exploring new markets and expanding bilateral trade.

Now, I’m continuing my professional life in Uzbekistan and it is always pleasure to remember my experience and tell my daughters about the beauty of Korea, hospitality and kindness of Korean people. In short to motivate them, I say: "The time will come, you will be able to see the wonders of Korea by yourself."Many thanks to the KREI team for the best program and warm hospitality, constant support and kind attention they provided to us!!!

