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2018 KAPEX Mid-term Academy started


The Korea Rural Economic Institute (President Kim Chang-gil) held an opening ceremony for the 2018 KAPEX Academy at Korea Rural Economic Institute on Monday, August 6. For the fifth year in this program, a total of 9 people, including officials from the Ministry of Agriculture of Laos, Mongolia and Cambodia, who are in charge of international development cooperation, and professors of agricultural college participate in this program for about one month (August 6 to September 6).

The KAPEX Mid-term Academy aims to strengthen the capacity of establishing policies by providing practical lectures for implementing ODA projects, lectures about KAPEX subject of each country and on-site visits. This year’s KAPEX subject is 'Laotian Agriculture Cooperative Policy', 'Enhancing Agricultural Capacity through Improving Value Chain System in Mongolian Livestock Sector' and 'Farm Household Income Increasing through Cambodia Vegetable Complex Construction', respectively.

The Academy consists of policy lectures (19 times) and on-site visits (12 times) on policies and cases such as Korea's agricultural development cooperation strategy, agricultural cooperatives, livestock processing, and agricultural value chain. In addition, participants will prepare project concept paper (PCP) for international development cooperation projects through interviews with related field experts.
