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[Lao PDR] Slash and burn farming in Lao PDR
Category Research

Laos is an agriculture-oriented country, with about 70% of the population engaged in agriculture, with agricultural production accounting for about 30% of total GDP. Farmers in Laos are taking two forms of crop cultivation. One is to cultivate crops on permanent arable land and the other is to grow rice on the slopes of mountains. It is divided into two types, rice and non - rice cultivation. Wild agriculture is known as sustainable agriculture if it can secure a sufficient dormancy to restore vegetation. However, with the recent population increase, residents of other communities migrate to the prehistoric area, which is the main cause of deforestation and ecological destruction due to the shortening of the period of pause. In this article, I have looked into the direction of Laos' agricultural development in the future through the cases of regional agriculture in Lao PDR.

Writer KREI