Joint research
- Enhancing Agricultural Technology Transfer System for Smallholder Farmers in Mozambique
Partner Agency
- Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
1st Field Survey
- In May 2016, the Joint Research Team visited the target areas in Mozambique to collect data on the agricultural extension and general education systems in Mozambique. During the first visit, the Joint Research Team had a meeting with the extension service centers in Maputo and diagnosed the capability of extension service management through interviews.
2nd Field Survey
- In August 2016, the Joint Research Team conducted the 2nd field survey in Maputo and Gaza Provinces to interview smallholder farmers, input providers, extension supervisors, researchers, and planning officers at the central and district level. Through the interview, the team analyzed the main issues affecting agricultural extension in Mozambique.
Result-sharing Workshop in Mozambique
- On August 3, 2016, KREI and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security held the result-sharing workshop in Mozambique to share the results of joint research, invitational training in Korea and local training in Mozambique. In addition, the related institutions presented their project experience on extension service in Mozambique.
Major Findings
- The research identified that that establishment of agriculture training center and clusters of crop intensification in the southern provinces of Mozambique and dissemination of appropriate technologies should be prioritized for improving smallholders’ production, productivity and competitiveness. Based on these results, Mozambique proposed the project, including four main activities 1) establishment of an agricultural training center, 2) establishment of clusters for crop intensification, 3) training and field demonstration, and 4) dissemination of appropriate technologies. The target group included the poor smallholder farmers in southern region of Mozambique such as Maputo, Gaza and Inhumane Provinces. The project proposal was to implement the project in 5 years with USD 5 million to cover all the activities.