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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Experience in KAPEX Program

Experience in KAPEX Program

Maliny Ophetsane

2018 KAPEX Laotian Trainee

About me

My name is Maliny Ophetsane and I am 29 years old this year. I am living in Vientiane capital with my mom and siblings but my dad has been transferred to work in Luang Prabang province for a while ago. I have got 3 siblings as appeared on photo attached and one of my sisters just got married last year with Korean man, who has been doing a trade between Lao PDR and Republic of Korea for years and that is how they met, and she just gave birth of this little cheeky son last few months. The other one is now working at British Embassy based in Lao PDR and my brother is studying in last grade this year.

My career 

I am currently working in Department of Rural Development and Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR as a civil servant and my responsibility is mainly international cooperation of the department. Last year I had a chance to participate KAPEX program in KREI for a month and it is literally the best experience I ever had. Throughout lectures, discussions and site visits have broadened my knowledge and skills regarding agriculture in Korea and how to properly analyze things as well as contents to start with projects that will directly benefit targets. After coming back to my hometown, my team and I continued to finalize the research and submitted to Korean experts and we have been trying to engage our project to benefit our target groups as much as we could. I personally had a chance to try drafting a new project proposal on different topic, which relates to capacity building, by utilizing skills and knowledge that I have got from the program and submitted to KOICA office in Laos and fortunately that was selected as one of project candidates to get its support. The Korean expert team dispatched to Laos last few months for feasibility study and now it is in a process of consideration by KOICA headquarter office. It could be said that this has become the important step to my working career and I am so grateful for it, however good is not enough and I would try my best to get more experiences and knowledge to improve myself more.
