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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Experience in KAPEX Program

Vu Thuc Linh

National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection of Viet Nam


Hello! My name is Vu Thuc Linh from National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection of Viet Nam. I am very happy to be the first member joined the five months KAPEX Program in 2014 together with a guide from Uganda named Edward Ssekawojwa. It is very honor for me to become the sole representative of Viet Nam participated in this Program.

Well, KAPEX Program is a very useful and interesting one. I have been received a lots of lecturers from KREI Professors and from some other agencies. Their lecturers are very interesting and attractive. Not only lecturers given by KREI Professors but also the site visits to manufacturers or administrative offices help me to have overview and understand more about the reality, life, society and economy of Korea.

The knowledge obtained from the KAPEX Program is very necessary for me. Though it is very short time for research, 5 month only, but I have learnt and shared information and knowledge related to the research topic in particular and KAPEX Program topic in general. Thanks to this Program, I have found the practical experiences of Korea in farmland management that can help to solve some issues related to farmland use and management and can apply in circumstance in Viet Nam.

After coming back Viet Nam, I have to try to develop a proposal related to my research topic “Sustainable and Effective Farmland Use in Viet Nam – Case Study in the Red River Delta and Practical Experiences from Korea” and submitted already to Korean Government. I hope that this proposal will be soon approved and put into operation.
