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해외출장연수보고 상세보기 - 출장목적, 출장자, 기간, 행선지, 내용, 파일, 게시일 정보 제공
농가단위 분석을 위한 OECD 회의참석 해외출장
출장자 반현정
기간 2010.09.08 ~ 2010.09.12
행선지 프랑스

1. 출장건명 : 농가단위분석을위한OECD회의참석해외출장

2. 출장목적

-OECD 농업위원회 산하 농가단위 분석을 위한 OECD 네트워크 회의에 한국 대표로 참석

-다른 회원국들의 연구 결과 발표 및 토의내용을 검토하여 미래과제의 타당성 여부 파악

및 향후 연구방향에 참고하고자 함.

3. 출장지역 : 프랑스: 파리소재 OECD

4. 출장기간 : 9월 8일(수)~9월 12일(일) 3박 5일

5. 출 장 자


직 급

성 명




6. 출장일정

9 September 2010

10:00 to 10:15

Tour de table – Introductions

10:15 to 11:00

Session 1. Presentation of the 2011-12 Programme of Work

○ The OECD 2011-12 Programme of Work on Food and Agriculture, Catherine Moreddu, OECD

○ Possible Outlook special feature on production costs and creation of a Food Chain Analysis Network, Wayne Jones, OECD

○ Implications for the network

11:00 to 12:30

Session 2. The Distribution of Support

○ Posting country information on the web site: discussion of the proposed template

○ Draft report on the Distribution of Support and Income for the November APM: discussion

○ Information from the European FADN

○ Next steps

12:30 to 14:00

Lunch Break


Session 3. Risk Management

○ Farm Level Analyses of Risk, and Risk Management Strategies and Policies: Canada and Spain, Shingo Kimura, OECD

○ Next steps


Session 4. Farm Level Productivity/production costs

○ Farm Level Productivity Concepts, Issues, Evidence, Andrew Woodend, DEFRA

○ Estimating farm level productivity using DEA: An application to Japan (preliminary results), Nobunori Kuga, Cabinet Office of Japan.

○ ERS Work on Agricultural Productivity, Jim MacDonald, ERS,USDA

○ Farm level productivity, Measurement and international comparison, Shingo Kimura, OECD

○ Next steps

10 September 2010


Session 5. Farm viability

○ Farm viability in the European Union: Impact of reduction of farm payments, Hans Vrolijk, LEI


Session 6. Micro simulations

○ The Canadian Agricultural Dynamic Micro-Simulation Model “A tool for distributional analysis, Nathan Niu, AAFC


Session 7. Conclusions and Next Steps

○ Summary of decisions concerning on-going projects and future activities

○ Material for the Web site

7. 주요 출장 결과: 파일첨부

