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KREI Held Global ODA Forum
Writer KREI
Date 2017.04.06

Ways for Sustainability of International Agricultural Development Projects and Cooperation Discussed

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) held a Global ODA Forum on the Present and Future of International Agricultural Development Projects and Strategies to Achieve Sustainability at The Shilla from 10 a.m., April 4.

This event aimed to share strategies for the sustainability of international development projects by introducing domestic trends and strategies of international development cooperation in agriculture, methods to implement agricultural and rural cooperation strategies and manage performance, and successful cases of ICT-based international agricultural cooperation. The forum was attended by related experts at home and abroad including international organizations such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

In his congratulatory remarks, KREI President Kim Changgil emphasized that the sustainability and effectiveness of international development cooperation have been increasingly stressed in the agriculture and rural sector, and that international organizations, governments, NGOs, and the private sector should discuss directions and cooperation plans to achieve sustainability.

In her keynote speech, “Direction of Agricultural Development Cooperation Policy for Sustainable Development,” FAO Assistant Director-General Kundhavi Kadiresan emphasized, “The international community needs a common basis for sustainable international cooperation in agriculture, and the private sector’s role should expand to strengthen public-private partnership, utilize private finances, and innovate technology.” She also said that agents of international cooperation projects should share cases and opinions for hunger eradication and poverty alleviation through the sustainable and comprehensive growth of the agricultural sector.

Paul Winters, the director of IFAD’s Research and Impact Assessment Division, pointed out the importance of comprehensive and sustainable changes in rural areas in his presentation, “IFAD’s Strategic Framework, Trends and Outlook for Agricultural Development Cooperation.” He said that IFAD’s major strategies for this included strengthening the rural population’s production capabilities and market participation and improving environmental sustainability.

Jeong Iljeong, the director of the Korean agriculture ministry’s International Cooperation Bureau, introduced the trends of the ministry’s international agricultural cooperation projects in his presentation, “Korea’s Strategy for International Agricultural Cooperation, Its Progress and Future Plans.” He said that the ministry would focus on customized ODA projects utilizing technologies applicable to developing countries.

In his presentation, “ADB’s Agricultural Projects: Priorities and Future Direction,” ADB Technical Adviser for Rural Development and Food Security Mahfuz Ahmed said, “The Asian Development Bank’s priorities by 2020 include reducing pre- and post-harvest losses, enhancing productivity, strengthening the linkage among the stages of the value chain, and improving food safety.”

Leli Nuryati, the Indonesian agriculture ministry’s Commodities Data division head, shared the content and major outcomes of “The Project for Building a National Agri-food Information System in Indonesia,” implemented with the Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in her presentation, “A Successful Case of ICT-based ODA in a Developing Country.”

Topics of the discussion sessions included trends and strategies of international agricultural development cooperation and ways to improve the sustainability of international agricultural cooperation projects through performance management.


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