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Issue Forum Held on Performance Improvement of Trade, International Cooperation in Agriculture
Writer KREI
Date 2017.07.17
Issue Forum Held on Performance Improvement of Trade, International Cooperation in Agriculture

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) hosted an Issue Forum on Plans to Improve Performance of Trade and International Cooperation in Agriculture at El Dorado Resort, Sinan-gun July 6. At the event, it was argued that increasing the export of fresh agricultural products and processed food expands farm household income and employment in rural areas, and has a big ripple effect on the national economy.
In his presentation, “The Possibility and Tasks of the Export Industrialization of Agriculture,” KREI research fellow Cho Sungju emphasized, “A rise in the export of fresh agricultural produce and processed food has a lower production inducement effect than industrial products, but has relatively higher value added and employment inducement effects. Therefore, it contributes to increasing farm household income and employment in rural regions, with a big ripple effect on the national economy.” Cho mentioned overseas outstanding cases of Israel, France, the Netherlands, and Japan for the export industrialization of agriculture.
KREI research fellow Ji Seongtae said in his presentation, “An Analysis of the Correlation Between Market Opening due to FTA Implementation and Agricultural Import Change Factors,” “Agricultural imports are expected to increase.” He stressed, “In response to this, it is necessary to improve competitiveness by product, seek measures to deal with changes in domestic agri-food consumption patterns, prepare for easing non-tariff measures, and proactively respond to additional FTA negotiations.”
In his presentation, “Plans to Enhance the Efficiency of International Agricultural Development and Cooperation Projects Through Selection and Concentration,” KREI senior research fellow Lee Daeseob emphasized, ”Selection and concentration is important in Korea’s international agricultural development and cooperation, given the limited budget for the sector.

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