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KREI, Yale Univ. Signed MOU for Research Cooperation on Climate Change and Forest
Writer KREI
Date 2017.08.07
KREI, Yale Univ. Signed MOU for Research Cooperation on Climate Change and Forest

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI, President Kim Changgil) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES, Dean Indy Burke) at Yale University, US on August 3. 
Through this MOU, the two institutions decided to closely cooperate in research on climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation and forest. Also, various forms of collaboration will follow, including joint research, the holding of relevant seminars, and human exchanges.
KREI President Kim Changgil said, “Through the signing of this MOU, KREI will identify and conduct various joint research projects on the environment and forest with Yale University. This will greatly contribute to strengthening KREI’s global research capacity to expand growth engines for the development of Korean agriculture and rural areas.” Dean Burke said that she expects “in-depth research using diverse analysis models in the fields of climate change and agricultural and forest ecology.”
That day, KREI appointed Professor Robert O. Mendelsohn and Mr. Yu Jonghyun in his doctoral program at Yale University as overseas advisers. Since the establishment of an overseas adviser system in July, KREI has appointed the following people as overseas advisers: Professor Lee Junsoo at the University of Alabama (US), the Korea-America Economic Association president; UC Davis professor Daniel A. Sumner (US); Dr. Suh Hyunkwon at Wageningen University (the Netherlands); and Oklahoma State University professor Chung Chanjin (US).

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