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상세보기 - 제목, 파일, 내용 정보 제공
Policy Tasks for Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming
Author Sung, Jaehoon
Views 34630 Publication Date 2022.02.28
Background and Purpose
○Described as “the poor cousin of mitigation” (Berrang-Ford et al., 2011:25), the climate crisis response focuses on reducing greenhouse gases so that there is less priority on policy and politics related to climate adaptation. However, low emphasis on adaptation policy does not equal low necessity. According to the sixth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), even if carbon neutrality is achieved by 2050, the Earth’s average temperature would increase by 1.5°C or more, which emphasizes the need for gradual and innovative climate change adaptation.

○Climate change adaptation mainstreaming is an effective and efficient way to implement action for agriculture in many countries, including European nations. However, Korea’s efforts on policy and research are scarce. Therefore, this study aims to 1) analyze and assess policies related to agricultural climate change adaptation mainstreaming, 2) identify obstacles to and factors for realizing agricultural mainstreaming, 3) compare and analyze the status and policies of domestic and overseas climate change adaptation mainstreaming status, and 4) derive policy tasks for effective mainstreaming implementation.

Research Methodology
○This study is based on a comprehensive literature review and experts’ consultation. First, based on domestic and overseas literature research and professional consultation, we sought issues related to climate change adaptation mainstreaming and set its definition and scope to cover such matters. In addition, we analyzed policy conditions, status, and cases related to domestic and overseas (agricultural) climate change adaptation mainstreaming.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

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