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Journal of Rural Development

상세보기 - 제목, 파일, 내용 정보 제공
The Relationship between Korean Rural Development Policy and Saemaul Undong in 1970s
Author Kim, Wanjoong
Views 46832 Publication Date 2019.09.30
Most rural development projects had been included into the projects of Saemaul Undong, representative Korean rural development programme in 1970s. As the result, it is very difficult for researchers to distinguish between government policy and the movement in the period. However, The movement in 1980s has not been linked to rural development policy. The change of programme composition in 1980s made researchers confused in defining and characterizing the movement.

In this paper, I tried to define the movement, considering the relationship between rural development policy and the movement in those times. I define the movement in 1970s as ‘compulsory mobilization movement to the government’s rural development projects’ or ‘compulsory mobilization of labor and capital for rural development’. On the other hand, I differently define the 1980s’ movement from the 1970s’ movement. Considering change of programme composition, I define the movement in 1980s as ‘compulsory mobilization of the public for publicity of government policy’ because rural development projects were excluded from the movement in 1980s.

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