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Journal of Rural Development

상세보기 - 제목, 파일, 내용 정보 제공
The effects of public stockholdings on rice prices at harvest season
Author Yoon, Jongyeol
Views 39945 Publication Date 2018.04.02
This study aims to analyze the effect of rice public stockholding on rice price in harvest season and the decreasing rate of rice market supply (MSDR) and to identify how the rice public stockholding program affects the price of rice harvests over time by calculating time varying estimates of the MSDR. For this purpose, both an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model and a rolling regression model are applied. The empirical findings show that 1%p of change in the MSDR leads to 1.9% of change in the rice price in harvest season. Additionally, the impact of the rice public stockholding program on rice price support continued in the sample periods, but the degree of its influence was enhanced by 2010, and has weakened since then. These findings suggest that it is necessary to reset the appropriate volume of rice public stockholding by considering the recently decreasing trend of rice consumption in order to improve policy effect.

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